3-day class in the efficient and effective use of the LE handgun and patrol rifle. Designed to improve an officer’s accuracy and speed with on-duty and/or off-duty handguns, as well as assigned patrol rifles, the class will consist of a series of intensive drills to improve accuracy, weapons handling and decision making.
Class will be conducted at there Lewisburg Federal Corrections Institution range, in Lewisburg, PA., and is hosted by the Buffalo Valley Regional PD. ***All students will muster in the main parking lot at 0900 on the first day. FCI Lewisburg controls movement on the entire property, and we must follow procedures***
Approx 750 rounds each; pistol and rifle.
Local point of contact CPL Travis Burrows; tburrows@bvrpd.org 570-522-1427 for lodging and other local resource information.
Additional questions? Ron.flowers@policedft.com